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A Degree? I rather be an Entrepreneur!

After learning about entrepreneurship and recent successful Sauder alumni such as Brian Wong I explored the subject online, stumbling across an article titled 15 Successful Entrepreneurs Who Did Not Need College. The members of this exclusive list include such prestigious names as: Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Milton Hershey, and even the legendary animator Walt Disney himself. During our presentation on entrepreneurship we learnt that 50% of businesses fail within 5 years, the main reasons associated with these failures included lack of experience and capital. Mr. Michael Dell however dropped out of college at the age of 19 with a mere 1,000 dollars in his pocket and managed to begin what became the most profitable PC manufacturer among the world.

    In consideration of the title of the referred article it is clear that a lack of educational experience is held across the list. So if it wasn’t a Harvard degree or Daddy’s investment fund that made these men some of the most influential figures in the world today what was it? In short, what skills they lacked academically were more than regained by their burning sense of passion. Passion holds no bias to its beholder no matter what the environment it is fueled in may be, as illustrated in these 15 brilliant examples.

1 Response to A Degree? I rather be an Entrepreneur!

  1. Jamie Grassby

    Hey Lekso! Great work and insight with this piece. I like your stance on Macroeconomics! Good Work!

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