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Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

The Future of Marketing

Sunday, April 1st, 2012

As I searched some of the past blogs written by my classmates, I came across a post by Chloe Chen. The post was titled, “Strategic Use of Print Advertising,” and gave some insight to the position of print advertising in today’s marketing world. Although Chloe stressed that print advertising still plays an important part in marketing, there […]

A Colorful Impact

Tuesday, March 13th, 2012

To draw inspiration for today’s post I read an external blog titled The Psychology of Color written by Drew McLellan, a 25 year marketing agency veteran. The blog explained how colors trigger powerful emotional responses and enters into detail about what each color represents. To begin, Think about the class we had a few weeks ago, where our groups […]

FIFA 2010 – Let the Marketing Games Begin!

Wednesday, February 8th, 2012

    In our previous marketing class we shortly discussed the battle of marketing supremacy between Adidas and Nike during South Africa’s 2010 FIFA World Cup. I found this topic especially interesting because I consider soccer (or football as it’s known to the rest of the world) to be a large aspect in my life and from […]

Punch 4 Punch!

Wednesday, January 18th, 2012

I found some very interesting input from Venesia Rizani’s blog post titled Fighting Over “Green”. The post shared how Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are expanding their marketing competition to environmental issues, such as tacking waste and improving renewability. In this post I especially found Venesia’s point on how going “green” can boost morale of the company. This was a fantastic […]

Marketing Introductory Blog

Wednesday, January 11th, 2012

Greetings to All! For those of you who don’t know me I am a second year student here at Sauder with an approachable attitude and who never misses his daily application of hair gel. I was born in Serbia in 1992 and have been living in Vancouver for the past 14 years, where I’ve been introduced to […]

Comm 299 Blog #2 (Aleksandar Novakovic)

Monday, April 4th, 2011

    Comm 299 made me realize that I still have little idea about what I truly want in the future and offered me a great toolset of how to discover them in the future. Through information sessions, primary and secondary research, career conferences, and phone calls Comm 299 teaches many of the possibilies of how to connect to your future passion. Comm […]

Comm 299 Blog #1 (Aleksandar Novakovic)

Monday, March 21st, 2011

     The greatest lesson  I learned from someone has come from my sister. Through example, she showed me that I should never be reluctant to try new things or gain new experiences. The lesson helped me become more open-minded and take advantage of all opportunities thrown at me. Not only does this lesson have intrinsic value for me, but […]

Merging Across Borders

Tuesday, November 30th, 2010

    In 1998 the German company Daimler-Benz and the American comany Chrysler merged to form DaimlerChrysler. The merger ended up being a failure, with DaimlerChryler’s stock being valued at half of what it had been on the day the merger was announced.     As with  my previous blog of the Greek economic crisis, this specified disaster can also be explained […]

The Greek Economic Crisis

Tuesday, November 30th, 2010

    On May 5, 2010 tens of thousands of protesters flooded the streets of Athens angered by huge tax hikes and drastic spending cuts (video link here.) The protest turned violent when protesters set the Greek Finance Ministry aflame with crude gasoline bombs killing three people inside. The question on everyones minds is how did […]

A Degree? I rather be an Entrepreneur!

Sunday, November 21st, 2010

    After learning about entrepreneurship and recent successful Sauder alumni such as Brian Wong I explored the subject online, stumbling across an article titled 15 Successful Entrepreneurs Who Did Not Need College. The members of this exclusive list include such prestigious names as: Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Milton Hershey, and even the legendary animator Walt Disney himself. […]

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