Course Intro

Welcome to ENGL 301!

This technical writing course, offered by UBC in a unique online format, aims to showcase my writing works from the term and document my efforts in the course through this web folio. Throughout the course, I will gain technical skills and instructions to create genre-specific writing works, such as formal reports and applications, as well as this web folio. The course’s unique format and topics address changing technologies and global perspectives, along with timeless factors such as writing techniques and ethics.

The course format encourages collaboration and peer review, empowering students to produce their own work and practice their skills. There is a strong emphasis on utilizing feedback and reflection for self-improvement, and the course brings together students from diverse backgrounds and disciplines. Despite being completely online, the use of UBC student blogs enables sharing and documenting work in an accessible and personalized manner.

I expect this course to provide me with concrete and reliable skills that I can utilize in future writing tasks or communications. I aim to gain genre-specific information and skills that will inform me about the nuances of technical writing in various forms. Additionally, I anticipate improving my collaboration skills through practice in giving and receiving feedback. I believe that students should exhibit respect and aim to present critiques fairly with the goal of helping each other.

I also expect that information for the course will be readily available and that expectations for students will be clear. I anticipate that deadlines and timeliness will be mutually respected by students and the instructor, while acknowledging that reasonable complications can occur. I plan to use this web folio to document my experience and archive my work for future reference, showcasing my progress throughout the course.