Email To Student 2

by alethea kramer

To: Carman Chu


From: Alethea Kramer


Date: February 1 2022


Subject: Request to Join My Writing Group


Dear Carman,


I’m reaching out in regards to your application to join a writing team with hopes that you will work with Cheka Duheme and I this semester. I enjoyed reading your application and am impressed with your professional experience and the skills you have acquired in the customer service industry. The skills you have learned through your experience writing formal and creative assignments will be an asset to the team. I appreciate your approach to learning and aim to incorporate your principle of patience into my own approach. I believe we would benefit from learning from each other’s strengths and weaknesses and gain a lot throughout the term. 


Please review my application and I appreciate any consideration you give to my request to work together. I look forward to hearing from you.

301 Alethea Kramer Application Letter


Alethea Kramer