Letter of Application

by alethea kramer

Dear Prospective Writing Teammates,

As an experienced content creator with a background in media studies, marketing, and communications design, I bring relevant skills and would contribute positively to an ENGL 301 writing team. My previous education as a media studies student at UBC offered exposure to a multitude of genres and forms of communication. Those skills translated well to my employment at a software company as a product marketing specialist, where I communicated product features to prospective customers. Professional communications skills were essential and practiced in my time working as a freelance communications designer which necessitated written interactions with clients. Most recently, I worked as a research assistant during my current studies as a Bachelor of Computer Science student. While writing my report, I developed formal writing skills including applying for research approval, promoting my study, communicating with participants, and synthesizing my findings. 

My writing is clear, concise, and appropriate to the genre and format. I use precise terminology while avoiding unnecessarily complicated words. While working on assignments in a group, I aim to communicate expectations, roles, and timelines clearly. I am accountable and will deliver quality work, while also acknowledging unexpected factors may impact any teammate throughout the semester. In previous teams, I have valued members who are flexible and contribute to a respectful and conscientious team dynamic. I am working full-time this semester, and may not be available during the workday. This semester, I hope to improve my writing so it is more concise and I eliminate unnecessary words. 

I approach learning by finding a personal interest or motivation in the content. The pursuit of finding genuine curiosity in whatever one is studying leads to improved results. This will translate to my motivation to proactively work on course content and assignments, and become personally invested in the process. I hope to find teammates that resonate with this approach and to learn from each other this semester.

Please find a copy of this letter here 301 Alethea Kramer Application Letter. If you are interested in forming a writing team with me, please email at aletheak@student.ubc.ca.

Thank you for considering my application,

Alethea Kramer