
Welcome to my web folio site, designed specifically for potential employers in the design and tech development space! As a writer with a passion for all things design and technology, I am excited to share with you a curated collection of my writing samples that showcase my skills and expertise in these areas. This web folio serves as a visual representation of my work, highlighting my abilities in creating compelling and engaging content for various mediums, including websites, apps, and other digital platforms. Please take your time to explore my portfolio, and I hope it provides you with a comprehensive insight into my capabilities as a writer in the design and tech development field. Thank you for visiting!

If you have a moment, please check out my visual design portfolio website for examples of my visual work.

The content of my Web Folio are:

  1. Home page
  2. short bio about me
  3. An intro to the course
  4. An application package
  5. resume
  6. blog where my reflections have been posted
  7. A best works page where my best works in the course have been linked

Please contact me at aletheakramer@outlook.com if you would like to connect!