
Alethea Kramer

Bachelor of Computer Science Student

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Programming: Java, C++, C#, TypeScript, Vue.js, & React. HTML/CSS, Tailwind, & JavaScript. MongoDB, Node.js, & Express.

Other: User experience research and design. Expertise in the complete Adobe Suite.


Full Stack Web Application Developer (8-month coop position)

Government of Canada (PSPC – DSB)

August 2022 — April 2023

  • Develop, maintain, and optimize ASP.NET web applications for Canadian Government clients in C#
  • Refactor and debug MVC architecture, visual and content changes of components, and build new features
  • Participate in development workflow by creating tickets, completing code review, and fulfilling requests

Computer Science Research Assistant (4-month funded student position)

Human Computer Interaction Lab, University of British Columbia

March 2022 — Sept 2022

  • Assisted in two research projects as the recipient of a summer SURE fellowship in the Human Computer Interaction lab
  • Developed the front-end of an AI assisted writing tool using Vue.js and TypeScript
  • Research on uses and implications of Virtual Digital Clones to create a conceptual framework to guide potential users


Convogo (Personal:

July 2021 — Present

  • Designed & developed a web app using MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js for users to collaboratively plan events
  • Leveraged the Tailwind and DaisyUI libraries to execute my interface design, using custom components, modals & RESTful API endpoints to implement CRUD functionality
  • Features include drag & drop, live chat, Google authentication & user views; developed with one collaborator using Git

Portfolio Website (Personal:

July 2021 — Present

  • Designed and developed personal design work portfolio using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript; hand-coded without any frameworks to exercise complete control

Apartment Manager App (

Sept — Dec 2021

  • Developed a Java app to manage apartment buildings to fulfill unmet needs in family’s property management business
  • Used Java to enable user input, addition, deletion and saving of items involving OOP principles and design patterns, UML diagrams, and data persistence using JSON
  • Designed & implemented complete back end, front end, and developed JUnit tests to ensure app sanity


Freelance Communications Designer

2020 — Present

  • Developed marketing/brand strategies for clients (Cadence Cycling Studio, AirSask 20/20, Aligned Body and Mind etc.)
  • Executed 3 complete brand development projects which involved audience research, value/voice development, content strategy, graphical ideation and production
  • Contributed to brand recognition and growth as indicated in social media metrics by creating cohesive, complete, and user-friendly branding packages that are audience oriented


Bachelor of Computer Science, University of British Columbia –  Expected Graduation Spring 2024

Communications Design Certificate, BCIT and Emily Carr University –  Fall 2020

Bachelor of Media Studies, University of British Columbia –  May 2018