Alethea's ENGL 301

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Final Self Assessment Reflection

Throughout my technical writing course, I have learned invaluable skills that have greatly improved my writing abilities, collaboration with my writing team, online proficiency, and adherence to specific instructions. However, I have also faced challenges such as meeting deadlines, learning new writing techniques, editing, and peer reviewing, all while following precise instructions. Despite these challenges, […]

Creating a Web Folio

Creating an online web portfolio for my technical English course was a valuable and challenging experience that allowed me to learn and develop various skills. One of the initial challenges was deciding what components to include in my portfolio. I carefully selected a variety of writing samples, including technical reports, instructional documents, and research papers, […]

Assignment 3.3 – Unit Three Reflections Blog

Writing the formal report draft was an enlightening experience as it shed light on the challenges and opportunities associated with remote work, specifically in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. It was interesting to delve into the impact of remote work on workplace culture, and how the lack of spontaneous or casual interactions among team […]

Assignment 2.3 – Unit Two Reflections Blog

LinkedIn Profile One of our assignments for this unit was to research and write a list of best practices for creating a LinkedIn profile. I have used LinkedIn for many years and used both my first-hand experiences and referencing secondary opinions on how to best utilize the platform to write my assignment. Over the years, […]

Unit One Reflection Blog

The First Draft of the Definitions Our first official assignment for our ENGL 301 course was to write three definitions of a technical term intended for an audience without specialized knowledge. I approached the task by first referencing course materials and the textbook to ensure I understood the requirements and applications. I chose the term […]

Email to Student 3

To: Byung-Sun Park From: Alethea Kramer Date: February 1 2022 Subject: Request to Join My Writing Group Dear Byung-Sun, After reviewing your application to join a writing team, I am excited to reach out to request that you consider joining my team with Cheka Duheme. I am very impressed with your professional and academic experiences […]

Email To Student 2

To: Carman Chu   From: Alethea Kramer   Date: February 1 2022   Subject: Request to Join My Writing Group   Dear Carman,   I’m reaching out in regards to your application to join a writing team with hopes that you will work with Cheka Duheme and I this semester. I enjoyed reading your application […]

Email to Student 1

To: Cheka Dunmer   From: Alethea Kramer   Date: January 31 2022   Subject: Re Joining a Writing Group   Dear Cheka,    Thank you for your message and the request to join your writing team. I was impressed with your application and feel the prospect of collaborating is really promising. I am very interested […]


To: Erika Paterson From: Alethea Kramer Date: January 23, 2023 Subject: Writing Team Application Letter Please find attached my application letter to join the Professional Writing Team in ENGL 301. My letter describes: A brief description of my educational and professional background pertaining to my writing skills and experience Strengths and weaknesses in my writing […]

Letter of Application

Dear Prospective Writing Teammates, As an experienced content creator with a background in media studies, marketing, and communications design, I bring relevant skills and would contribute positively to an ENGL 301 writing team. My previous education as a media studies student at UBC offered exposure to a multitude of genres and forms of communication. Those […]

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