BMW: Vintage Innovations by an Entrepreneurial Company

At the age of 20 years old my mom drove her Mini Cooper, today, I want it as my future car. BMW’s Mini Coopers are what we can call vintage innovations. They have been redesigned to fit the latest automobile technology, while keeping their cute model and design. The production of the new Mini Coopers has been a great success; I honestly see them around a lot. BMW, the German automobile and engine manufacturing company, took the risk of redesigning Mini Coopers and put them back in the market again. Such a great idea would not have been made if the company didn’t have the characteristics that describe entrepreneurial. Innovations and risks are key words that BMW certainly understand and not only implement but master. It is also known for its great performance and its luxury vehicle. Entrepreneurship is not only about creating a new product and taking the risks necessary to make the opportunity actually happen, it is also about knowing how to make a substantial wealth rapidly. It is about making a company more alive, making it stand out in this business world. BWM was able to show its entrepreneurial abilities, with its wide market ranging from formula 1 cars, motorcycles, luxury cars, to its latest success: Mini Coopers.

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