What I learned in COMM 299!

What is great about Comm299 is that I am sure I will use in the future everything that I learned in this course. I not only learned how to professionally write a resume and cover letter, I learned a lot about the business world and how to act in it. From CAR statements to professional attire, Comm299 covered many of the “must know” in performing well in an interview and writing about yourself in resumes. I also learned so much about careers and the professional path I want to take. The most important is not how much money you will make (although it is a factor to be considered when choosing what to do) but about what you actually want from life. Sharing their experiences with us, the TAs and Philippe made me realize how important that is. As a follow up, I believe my TA was helpful in making us realize how important experiencing different kinds of professions is, because the more you experience the more you will know and the better the decisions you will be able to make.

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