Like us on Facebook, follow it on Twitter – Social Media and Marketing

Have you ever wondered what will be used as advertisement in the future? Probably not newspapers, right? Mainly because most newspapers have moved on the internet! How will the marketing of a company be affected by that?

Although television still remains as the leading advertising location, many firms have been exploring the internet, on social networks and other websites where people are more engaged. “Companies are beginning to see social networks as an alternative means of building brands through discussions, which makes them a threat to TV advertising. Mr Weed of Unilever forecasts a drift from paid advertising to “earned” media, including Facebook.” (article: Online advertising has been growing more and more each year making the internet one of the best ways for a company to invest its marketing budget on.  Facebook and other social networking websites have given companies the possibilities to appeal to people in engaging ways. Thus, gaining more customers as well as improving/ increasing sales. An example would be the famous “like” on Facebook, that result in sending the person updates and information about all their “likes”. If you like a brand on facebook you will receive coupons and weekly news from that company. Other medias such as Google might feel threatened by the increase in Pages and ads Facebook has been building up but social networks seem to be the fad! After all, who doesn’t like a nice tweet?


Perhaps we are addicted to social networking websites… Check this out:

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