“Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game” – Babe Ruth, baseball 

Journal entry #1

I am really looking forward to taking this course. I feel even more excited after reading the new BC Curriculum and seeing that many of the ‘big ideas’ line up with my own vision of what a holistic education should be. I think its so important for student, especially young children, to get physical activity daily – it helps make them better, more focused learners in the classroom. Moreover, I love how mental health and the management of healthy relationships are included. These really are life lessons – something students will be able to carry with them far past their school years and into adulthood.

In elementary school I enjoyed playing outside in recess, and for the most part I like PE and health class. However, there were parts of these classes I didn’t like. Talking with my classmates today, I feel like most people shared similar negative experiences – the beep test and awkward health classes to name a few. I wish I had been taught about how much fun group sports can be, instead of being made to run, panicked back and forth between lines. I wish that instead of blushing and quickly explaining puberty our teacher had made health class a demonstration of how wonderful and unique our bodies are. I didn’t always have a positive experience, but I hope this class will help me learn how to be the best teacher I can. I hope I can help kids appreciate how much fun it is to be active and help them learn about our bodies and minds in a positive way.