“I always felt that my greatest asset was not my physical ability, it was my mental ability” – Bruce Jenner, decathlete

Journal entry #2
Today our class was divided into 2 groups and each given a side of the gym. In pairs we presented a 5-minute activity to our group and received feedback at the end. My partner and I did ‘everybody’s it tag’ and it went very well.  We added in some modifications at various junctions throughout the game, including: hopping instead of running and letting the people sitting down tag the runners. I think my goal for the next few week is going to be working on the clarity and conciseness of my instructions. Though I improved my voice projection a lot this summer I could be more succinct in my explanations. Hopefully I can check in with my partner in a few weeks and see whats gotten better!

After the games we watched a Canadian documentary called ‘No Running’ about the current PE/PL Movement. In case you didn’t know PL stands for physically literacy and is what PE professionals are trying to teach students today. Something I hope to implement in my future classroom is the incorporation of PL in everyday subjects. One teacher talked about doing jumping jacks to count syllables – an idea which I adore. This documentary really highlighted the fact that your brain is stimulated by physically activity. I think there is nothing worse than making children, especially younger ones, sit still at desks for hours on end. Even I struggle to sit still after a few hours. What a wonderful idea to incorporate a few minutes of movement every once in a while.