Place 3 to 5 artifacts in a bag that represent something about who you are, your interests, your experiences and how they connect you to teaching and education. Why are they are significant to you?


  • What? A pair of handmade chopsticks
  • Why? I made these during my time spent at Moriumius (Japanese for ‘woods, sea and us’). This was one of the most eye-opening education experiences for me. I learned that education is so connected to community and our environment.



  • What? A thank you letter from a student.
  • Why? During my time working as the Head Instructor for the ESL Kids camp at SFU this summer I came across children of all abilities. This one improved so much in a few weeks. A reminder that anything is possible.



  • What? Thank you notes from my graduating students.
  • Why? These students were incredibly special to me. I spent more time with their class than any other during my two years in Japan. Saying goodbye to them was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I truly gave my heart to them.



  • What? An Early Canadian Literature assignment I received an A on last year.
  • Why? I never loved English, however I had to take it to get into this program. I did not do well at first, but upon prompting from a very engaging and passionate teacher, I let myself get carried away with the course. This was my final assignment, the one where I finally understood how to write an English essay.



  • What? The English translation (from Japanese which is translated from another language) of the heart sutra and a photo of a zazen (seated meditation) weekend I took part in
  • Why? Learning is a lifelong experience. I got to try so many amazing things in Japan and one of them was zazen. Going away to a tiny Buddhist temple in a very rural, seaside village was a magical enlightening experience I will never forget. Though I think teachers are inclined to spend a lot of their time talking, this photo and sutra are a powerful reminder that we all need to listen and learn more.