Make a heart and put what you will struggle (-) and find easier (+) – see above. 

What is your understanding of each:

  • Education
    • Learning, gathering of knowledge
    • Can take place in any setting, doesn’t have to be formal
    • The educator’s relationship to that of the educatee is to pass on knowledge in some form – an exchange or flow of ideas
  • Schooling
    • Taking place in a school setting
    • Formalized / institutionalized learning
  • Teaching
    • The flow of knowledge from one individual to another
    • Can be a two way flow – i.e. an exchange


1.What is the purpose of school?

To surround students with knowledge and ‘teach’ them about the world around them. Different schools have different goals and standards for learning. Creating future citizens – conforming.

2. What is your idea of an ‘educated’ person? Is there someone in your life whom you consider to be educated – why so?

There are a lot of educated people in my life – my parents, my cousins, my sibling, my friends. However I wouldn’t say that any of them are educated in the same sense. For example, my cousin did not go to university, but instead went to college to become a pastry chef. My uncle, on the other hand, has multiple university degrees and is a lawyer. I think both these people are high educated – though their knowledge is in two very different areas. Thirsty to learn more.