‘Enthusiasm is everything. It must be taut and vibrating like a guitar string’ – Pele, soccer

Journal Entry #4

Today’s class was divided into two sections. We started with exploring how to teach a fundamental movement skill. Our instructor went through the steps of learning how to skip and it was interesting to see how you can start with such a basic idea and work up to a more complex movement. After this we broke into groups to try working through our own way to teach a fundamental movement. Our group chose an underhanded toss and incorporated a lot of different equipment to work on targeting a certain space.

In the second half of our class we experienced a group teach on territorial and invasion games. I really enjoyed the foosball game we played in the last part of their presentation. It was similar to a game I used this summer with my young campers called electric fence. In both versions half of the group is stationed on various parallel lines in the gym. They are allowed to move along the lines in a sidestep motion, but are not allowed to take their feet off the line. Their goal is to prevent the other group from running through their lines and getting further along. To stop them they can tag anyone in front of them – but no one behind them! In my version once you are tagged you join the ‘electric fence’. In the version we played today if you are tagged you go back to the start and try again. Everyone loved this game and it was a great way to work on blocking and finding space skills. I would definitely like to try this with my practicum class!