1.  Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). Today’s lecture was my first experience with it and I am very intrigued. She gave us a lot of information and I was especially interested in the classroom management and anti-bullying portions of the lecture.
  2. Finally finding out where my practicum is!!! It was a very happy day for everyone and I am so excited about getting started next week.  I am going to be in an upper elementary classroom which will be a great learning experience. I can’t wait to see how Montessori works in classrooms with older children since what we have learned so far is mostly about kindergarten & lower elementary. Also I am very curious about the combine grade environment – how will it look & work?
  3. The birthday of a classmate. It was really nice for our cohort and the IB cohort to have a tiny break from work and class to sing happy birthday and have a cupcake. I also loved baking the cupcakes (read eating the icing) last night.