Today we got to start of the class by making our own acrostic poem that used a word or phrase from our readings. My partner and I picked the word ‘literacy’ and our poem was:

Learning new things

Is such a fine


Especially when we

Relate out learning to different

Areas of the New B.C.



I think we are so lucky to be in a program where we are encouraged to think and inquiry about the world around us. Though we are given many tools to learn how to teach, we have not been told what and what not to do. Instead we are provided with a lot of ideas and resources and asked to think for ourselves. We are surrounded by people who can help us and who are more experienced than us, as well as other students who are going along on the same journey.

I think this journey is not unlike how we learn to read. We are given a lot of tools, like books, signs, alphabet charts, etc and have people to help us, like teachers, parents, siblings, etc. We might learn how to read while surrounded by our peers, but you must learn how to read yourself. No other person can make the connection in your own brain between the words on the page and their meaning. Though we all need help to learn to read, it it a very personal experience.

I have enjoyed working on my literacy project throughout the past week. Its difficult to put yourself in another person’s shoes and think about what you need to know to be literate in your field. Its almost like you need to relearn your own skill! I am excited to see some other types of literacy next week.