How do you define a professional working relationships? What does this look like when difference arise between people working together?

To me a professional working relationship is a relationship between people who treat each other with a high level of respect. These individuals work together to achieve a greater common goal in the workplace and should maintain positive communication. Moreover, these people should act like team and provide support if needed. If differences arise between people working together there should be a form of mediation that they are able to access (if the problem is big enough). If it is a smaller issue, they should find time to speak calmly and responsibly in a private space.

List several qualities that make it easy or challenging to work with you.

Qualities that make it easy to work with me:

  • approachable
  • good communicator
  • always wanting to improve my own technique (likes feedback)
  • willing to try new things
  • excitable / passionate

Qualities that make it difficult to work with me:

  • headstrong
  • a little bit stubborn
  • emotional

Think of some strategies you could use when difficulties arise in your practicum classroom.

I think it always important to have a pocketful of strategies which can be accessed if difficulties arise. Some of these might be

  • writing out my problems (journaling) & trying to figure out a solution individually
  • seeking help and advice from a third party (i.e. a family member)
  • speaking directly to the other individual(s) in a calm manner with some ideas of how to solve the issue