Top 10 list for inquiry questions
- Multi-generation learning – what are the benefits for both parties? How can we (as teachers) plan & make this happen?
- How to make a classroom more welcoming for Autistic students?
- How can a teacher and other students help empowering students with anxiety?
- Does having different teachers teach different days have an affect on students?
- What is the relationship between educational assistants and students? How can this motivate students?
- What are the benefits of multiage classrooms?
- How do students that go to Montessori K – 7 adapt to ‘regular’ high school?
- How do interactions between students and nature (i.e. gardens, plants / animals in the classroom, nature walks) further students SEL?
- What are the affects of classroom ‘setup’ (i.e. different desk arrangements, various seating, classroom shape/size) on workflow, productivity and happiness?
- Does school size make a difference to the ‘community feel’ of a school? How can teachers in larger schools make their classrooms more community-oriented?