How to become a teacher in 12 months

CFE Week 3 – ǥilakas’la SD 85!

I can’t believe our CFE is over!! While at times the days here felt long, it seems like three weeks has really rushed by. We got to experience so many wonderful and interesting things up here in Vancouver Island North,

This week I worked at Sunset Elementary School in Port McNeil. This was by far the biggest school I had worked at during my CFE and seemed even bigger than my practicum school. It has the most beautiful location – up on a hill overlooking the Queen Charlotte Strait. Luckily the weather this week was finally sunny and warm, so the views were unbelievable.

I got to do a lot of different things this week and bounced all over the school helping out where needed. From helping set up for the mini-feasts for the grade ones and their grade six buddies, to running the road hockey station during the Fun Day, I did it all!

Overall the CFE has been a truly eye-opening experience, especially in terms of learning about Aboriginal Education. I left my 10-week practicum and classes at UBC feeling very fearful about teaching anything with Indigenous content. My anxiety stemmed from a fear of ‘messing it up’ or being inconsiderate in my teaching. These past 3 weeks however have really instilled within me confidence and excitement about incorporating this important knowledge into my pedagogy.

So, ǥilakas’la and ha̱lakas’la (thank you and goodbye in Kwak̓wala) SD 85 for being fantastic hosts and giving me the experience of a lifetime!


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