Written reflection

“…the act of teaching is an enormously complex endeavour, ‘learning to teach’ in any simple, step-by-step, short period of time is impossible” (Fitchman & Hoppy)

Were/Are you expecting to get a step-by step teaching plan from this program? Why is this impossible? What do you think is most useful to you as you prepare for your teaching career?

I 100% do not think that we will get a step-by step guide on how to teach this year. In fact it seems like what we have learned so far have been the tools to teach rather than a straight-forward guide. I think we have been presented with ideas and asked to think critically about them, instead of simply being told ‘this is the way to teach’. It is impossible to tell someone exactly how to teach because there are billions of situations that can occur in the classroom. Each school year, month, day and minute different challenges are presented to a teacher – so how could anyone possible give us a guide for each tiny situation that may occur? Moreover, school revolves around individuals. Each teacher has a different background, style and story that influences how they work. The students each come from different families, lifestyles and social situations and have a unique personality. I think the readings this week really highlighted the fact that we need to celebrate the individual and incorporate their interest into the classroom. If a student loves whales (like I do) give them the tools to do an inquiry project about whales. Let them research what interests them so they can bring their excitement and passion to the classroom.