What I’ll be doing here! (from the syllabus)

Annotated Bibliography of 5 -7 Resources

An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents.  Each entry of an annotated bibliography consists of two parts:

  • A citation gives the exact information, in the proper format (APA) needed to locate the material.
  • A brief paragraph (usually about 150 words) that describes and evaluates the resource. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited.

Newfound Understandings

What are the key findings and learning you attained about your topic? How will this influence your teaching practice in the classroom? What additional questions do you have regarding your inquiry that you would like to pursue?

Links to Practice

This post is based on a discussion you have with your School Advisor regarding your Inquiry.  It can relate to the application of theories and principles and their relevance to classroom practice. You can discuss what this means for you as an educator, and possibly other educators?  What new questions have arisen for you? Are there any ways you are able to bring your Inquiry into your classroom? You are also asked to write 3 reflections during your Extended Practicum regarding your observations and thoughts with regards to your inquiry within the classroom.