Entrance slip #1

Beach – Dead poet’s society 

As a long time Robin Williams lover, I really appreciated this article. Looking back at my grade 1 photo with Ms Mugglesworth (her real name!) that I dug up for tomorrow’s class I really felt nostalgic.

Ms Mugglesworth and I in Grade 1!
       Ms Mugglesworth and I in Grade 1!

The points Beach makes are so accurate and really encourage what I hope I can be as a teacher:

  • caring & seeking to make a real connection with students that will last a lifetime – treading a line between discipline & heart
  • passionate about what I teach like Dr McGeer in high school – “student’s favourites vary widely, what they share is presence & passion
  • being me & bringing my own passions to the classroom – “we teach who we are”
  • teaching life skills (like Montessori encouraged) – the ‘softer’ skills that will be with students forever
  • inclusivity – remembering how important positivity & mental health are

Noddings -Morally defensible mission 

  • “poverty is a social problem – not an educational failure” – this higher academics is not the answer
  • we need to care for our children
  • I also agree that there should be a higher onus on care and love within education – the focus should not always be purely academic and achievement based. “Argument in favour of greater respect for a wonderful rage of human capacities now largely ignored by schools” – however was this formerly ignored?
  • Also the idea of women’s work being undervalued – I agree. Its especially interesting to look at countries where there is equal paternity and maternity leave and the difference it makes on women remaining in the workforce.
  • The effects of having young children visit retirement homes – stimulation for both groups.
  • “Give up the notion of a single ideal of the educated person” – multiplicity of talent & success

I like Noddings’ ideas but coming from a social science research background I want to see numbers & proofs and other authors.