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Hi everybody!

My name is Alexandra and I attend UBC at the Vancouver campus. I am in my fourth year and I am majoring in English Literature. I enjoy learning about different forms of literature from all around different places in the world at different time periods. I love working with children and I work for the Walt Disney Company which pretty much describes my personality! I am a huge Disney fan and hope to work for a publishing company which is connected to the Walt Disney Company. I love the energy of UBC and have enjoyed all of my classes in Literature.


This is a photo of my sister and I under our family cherry tree.


I am really excited to be taking this course, as I have previously taken ENGL 222 which is also on Canadian Literature. I enjoyed learning about the Native culture and their forms of stories, which are oral as well as written. I have no blogging experience (and am not very tech savvy) so this will be a new form of learning for me! I am excited to be taking an online class that uses a different form of student to student interaction, as in previous online courses I have never experienced something like being connected via blogs. This course will not only help me learn about Canadian Literature, but also how to use the UBC Blogs! I am excited to learn about many different aspects of media and writing in Canada as well as literature sources.


Yes, I got to meet Rapunzel and Flynn at Disneyland!


This course enables the student to study the literature found in Canada, such as the Native culture and its form of orality in literature, and determine its importance in Canada’s history. The course will look into the storytelling aspect of literature and its foundations noted in Native culture. It will provide students with many different authors of Canadian literature, as well as media and web pages which all help to explain literature found in Canada. The course will use technology, such as the blogs, to communicate with other class members and the instructor, adding a technical element which also provides a form of learning for the students. The course will demonstrate what it is to beĀ Canadian and how our present ideologies are reflected in past Canadian literature and media.


Buzzfeed. “Americans Try Canadian Food for the First Time. Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 2 Aug 2014. Web. 6 Jan. 2015.

The University of British Columbia. Canadian Literature, 2014. Web, 6 Jan. 2015.


  1. Hello Alexandra – good to meet you, your blog looks good. I am looking forward to your contributions to our course of studies! Thank you and enjoy.

  2. Hi again Alexandra – you need to change your settings so that comments do not need to be approved. Please go to your “Settings” in your dashboard and under “before a comment appears” make the adjustments so anyone can post without approval. SECOND – ensure that under “Other comment settings” – that comments can only be made by registered users – thanks!

  3. Hi Alexandra,

    I enjoyed reading your post. It looks like we have similar expectations for this course, so I’m looking forward to engaging with your thoughts and insights as the weeks progress.

    It’s really cool that you work for Disney. I’m curious if your specialization in literature prompted your interest in the company? While perhaps it is often filtered through an American or European lens, the Walt Disney company is famous for retelling stories and narratives that are culturally diverse. I think we can all appreciate that.

    You mention that you expect this course to tell us what it means to be Canadian. I think you’re right, but I might expand on this to say that this course will likely reshape how we define the “Canadian” cannon and “Canadianism” as a whole.
    Your page looks great- I wouldn’t have guessed that this is your first time using UBC blogs.

    Ali Duncan

    • Hi Ali!

      I worked for the Disney company before I decided I wanted to go into publishing. I love working for the company and I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do as a career after I graduate. I actually saw that Disney had its own publishing company and I thought that would be an awesome job since I love Disney and literature. I agree with your comment on Disney and storytelling, especially their focus on fairy tales and the imagination.
      The course will definitely alter how I define “Canadian” and I really hope it helps me to shape how I view Canadian literature. I haven’t read very much Canadian literature so I am looking forward to new sources of literature that contain stories.

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