Native Politics
Recently, Winnipeg received its first Native mayor; Brian Bowman stepped into position as the mayor of Winnipeg, but became more than just a politician. He was seen as a milestone for all the Native people across Canada. There is always a lot of controversy over how Canada treats its Native people and people are always debating on whether there is discrimination or not. However, at least with the introduction of a Native politician, the Native population sees that there is hope for Native Canadians to be viewed equally and given the same opportunity. Native Canadians are starting to show up in the political scene and that is a major breakthrough for Natives across Canada; not only are Natives given the same jobs as others but they are also becoming supported by others as figures of leadership in Canada. I feel that this is a very important issue that deserves attention because while the treatment of Native Canadians may not be lacking, they will still feel discriminated against if they do not see their people in positions of power or influence. Canada needs to start promoting Native representatives for all types of important positions and jobs to diversify and show the Native Canadians that Canada is a country of equality.