When we think about entrepreneurs, society can automatically spit out names like Mark Zuckerberg, or Craig Kielburger. All the young and the restless. Most citizens, and like-minded business people think if they want to be a successful entrepreneur they A) better have the new, best thing and B) do it when they are young. Because come on, how else are you supposed to make the Top 30 Under 30 when you’re 40?
What most people overlook is that these entrepreneurial opportunities don’t expire at a certain age.
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s not the youngest entrepreneur of them all? Richard Branson, 62 year-old founder and CEO of Virgin Group, is just that. Having led a plentiful life full of business success, Mr. Branson has recently talked about how senior entrepreneurs can break the socially anticipated image, and use age to their advantage.

“Older entrepreneurs can use their age to their advantage, both in business and in life.” Stating that real-life experience is just as important as the fancy MBA, and vibrant new idea. Even though change is inevitable, and the demand of the business world must keep up with those changes, the old-fashioned, traditional methods of efficiency and creativity still have an edge.
Mr. Branson believes that “Senior entrepreneurs can bring the best of both worlds to new ventures: experience and the contagious enthusiasm of a youthful mindset.” So although we would love to be running our own businesses by the age of 28, let’s take into perspective the long-run. Because being youth doesn’t mean your innovative, and being old doesn’t mean you’re not.
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