Archive for October, 2010

Advertisement of the Arms industry

Sunday, October 31st, 2010

Last week, we  have talked about the ways that how the gun industry market their products to the shooting community. This week, I want to talk more about the defense industry. For any product within the industry, the best way to advertise their products is field-tested by any combat force within any combat zone or […]

Marketing in the gun industry

Sunday, October 24th, 2010

After all the mid terms, I finally have some time during the weekend, so I decided to review so of my shooting training videos. Although I watched those videos more than 10 times already, I realized that during the whole video, it is all MARKETING of different brands of guns and accessories. During the video, […]

Funny ads

Sunday, October 17th, 2010

In my opinion, humor and exaggeration are the keys for the advertisement to capture people’s attention, thats why most successful marketing campaigns can make  people laugh. Today, I want to share some ads that I think is successful and funny. Nikon D700 Billboard I think this is a successful one because the advertising billboard in South Korea […]

Sex in advertising

Sunday, October 3rd, 2010

Last night, when I was watching random videos on youtube, I just realized that most commercials have some kind of sexual appeal, so I did some research on wikipedia, and this is what I got: “Sex in advertising is the use of sexual or erotic imagery (also called “sex appeal”) in advertising to draw interest […]

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