Archive for November, 2010

Marketing for Banks

Sunday, November 28th, 2010

When I was randomly reading stuff earlier today, I found a interesting marketing blog through Jonathan Fung’s blog . The Canadian Marketing Blog is just simply talk about the marketing method in the Financial industry. For most people, they will just think that Banks don’t need to advertise itself, because people will just rush to […]

Tablet PC

Sunday, November 21st, 2010

Today, I want to talk about a new category of product in the computer market, Tablet PC. In Erick’s Blog, he thinks that all 3 companies are targeting the same market segment, but I think that Apple may target other segments at the same time. As all we know, Apple is not just a computer company; […]

Mittens Again?

Sunday, November 14th, 2010

I was reading other people’s Comm296 blog and I found a interesting new in Pattie’s Blog. The Canadian Olympic Foundation is going to reproduce the red mittens aging,but will there actually have people to buy a pair of those? I think the red mittens are a seasonal product which is specifically for the 2010 Winter […]

Gaming and Reality

Sunday, November 7th, 2010

Based on the success of  Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, the best FPS game of 2009, the up coming new game from the Call of Duty (COD) series has already  draw attention from the gammers, and surprisingly, it draw attention from the marketers too The up coming new game from the Call of Duty series […]

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