In Kelly Gu’s post, she talked about the issue of marijuana in Canada, and how the next Liberal leader will oppose its legalization despite popular opinion of Canadians. She supported its legalization due to the many benefits and advantages of it being legal, including health benefits and more tax revenue.

Legalized in Nov 7th
I agree with her as the legalization of marijuana can also be very profitable, create jobs and help the economy recover, after coming across this article. Besides stating that Washington and Colorado recently became the first states in the U.S to legalize recreational marijuana, the article also mentioned how legalization in all states of America (individual states make their own criminal laws, unlike Canada), could make marijuana from a $40 billion industry to a $100 billion industry. According to Market Watch, a company named MedBox which sells dispensers to legal outlets had its share price go up 3,000%, from $4 to $250. Legalization would bring economic benefits for all, or in other words, bring positive externality to the population. Also, if the two states in the US can legalize it, so can Canada.