#3. What I have learned: Tipping culture in Canada



We can call “Tipping Etiquette”

In Korea, we don’t have tip culture. Actually, this is my first time to experience and know about tip culture. In Korea, all of waiter’s tip are included in a monthly salary. So we don’t have to pay that because it is already included. However, In Canada or United States, we should pay tips. This is natural culture in here.

When I went to the restaurant at the first time in Vancoucer, I was really complicated. I didn’t know how can I calculate the tip of our food  cost. And I thought here’s price is pretty expensive. However, I decided to experience new culture like tip.

The standard tip should be 15 to 20 percent. If you receive excellent service and would like to tip more than the average, feel free. I think tip means the satisfaction of customer service. Also, most of waiters in restaurants, taxi drivers and hotel guides are very kind due to tipping etiquette.


Here is a link mention about many countries’ diverse tipping culture






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