Advertising world ‘transformed by social media’

The advertising industry has been transformed by social media, says David Jones, boss of global agency Havas.

The advertising industry has to be more careful because of social media, sometimes what the brand have done is not helping with buildinggood brand image but damaging the brand. For example, VISA as sponsor in Olympics.

Because of intervention from social media, advertising industry now may achieve results in good way or bad way. It is not really like old time promotion that company paid a lot and can become famous. Public may find that some advertising is annoying and have bad influence. In the Marketing mix, when marketing their products films need to create a successful mix of the right product, sold at the right price, in the right price and using the most suitable promotion. Nowadays, companies need to be more aware of “negative promotion”, and promotion itself need to be more open and public and maybe not so aggressive in the future.

In class, I saw the Pepsi advertisement that a little boy used coca cola cans to buy Pepsi, which I think might damage the brand because what we show on the advertisement should be healthy and positive.



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