From “One for One Movement” to Intangible Social Enterprise

One for One Movement is that every pair of Toms shoes purchased will deliver a pair of shoes to children who need them. Toms shoes is a typical social enterprise, and Toms shoes as been noted as successful model of social entrepreneurship. What they do is more like raising a donation through products, and there are some other way of social enterprise like hiring disable people who other people will not hire. Also the business that hiring the jobless people to build houses for homeless people is typical social entrepreneur.

Although the social enterprise is determined by special agency, I am thinking that social enterprise’s definition can be more than just some donation and hiring jobless people. Sometimes  enterprise is helping to provide a new chain of circle of the business to organize the current and available resources together to create a new business. The new successful business will not only provide jobs, but also it improve the production of its raw material suppliers, and encourage the flow in the currency, which would eventually lead to growth in economy, and improvement in people’s living standards. It is like a Domino effect to encourage the economy to boom.

Some enterprise may not seem like a social enterprise, but they do provide opportunity, sustainability and stability to the society, and some of effects are not obvious enough to see, but I do think there are some intangible effects. Almost all the business provide the jobs to people. Some of the business pull other business. Although those business cannot be called as social enterprise, they provide benefits to society.


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