Ten years of China under Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao

The ten yearsunder Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao is a magnificent ten years. The past ten years under Wen Jiabao and Hu Jintao has been calledthe “golden age”.

Chinese people has been through a lot difficulties and successes.  In 2003, SARS breaks out in China. The authorities initially react by covering up the crisis, before the World Health Organisation issues global alert. Unity of people helps Chinese pass through the diseases. In 2008, an enormous earthquake in Sichuan kills over 70,000 people. The Chinese army had been sent to Sichuan to help rescue people and help them rebuilt the city after the terrible earthquake.

However, China made a progress on economic growth. The size of China’s economy has quadrupled, the country’s roads, railways and skyscrapers are the envy of the world, and the standard of life in the Chinese countryside has radically improved.


The party congress to select new leaders will be held on November 8, and is overdue and highly anticipated because it will see Hu Jintao step down after 10 years as party boss and China’s leader, to be replaced by Xi Jinping.

People hope that China can keep the growth rate in the next decade, and at the same time, China need to enforce the policy changing in order to maintain the sustainable development.


2 thoughts on “Ten years of China under Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao

  1. the fact that Xi made a personality cult during his early term, could be the downturn of everything and since that time came the horror brought in by the CCP’s covid rip-off.

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