The Era of Innovation

“He who learns to swim in changing waters, survives.” – Frank Herbert.

After reading Colin Lam’s blog post, I couldn’t help but think about how innovation is affecting multitudes of other industries as well as the gaming industry. In fact, it seems as if the twenty first century is all about innovation. Computers, smartphones, electric cars – the list is limitless. However, the biggest impact of innovation is not just how it’s changing current industries, but creating new ones.

The most relevant example of this is, of course, social media. In 2004, Facebook was created, and in just 5 years, it become the second most visited site on the internet. At this time, the world saw a surge in social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. Now, an average person spends 3.2 hours every day on social media sites, when just 10 years ago, nothing of the sort even existed. The potential for businesses that take advantage of innovation is enormous.

Another thing that social media has in common with the gaming industry is that they both utilize the lean-start up model. Facebook is constantly coming out with new updates, in response to consumer preferences. In this day and age, a business that ceases to innovate will be swallowed up by new, emerging businesses and industries, and cease to exist. But, for one that spots future trends and is willing to jump outside of the box and take risks, the possibilities are endless.

Response to UBC Blog post.

