Start ” So in the beginning [1] End: “Gha!”, said the Lone Ranger. … “Okay?” “Okay” at bottom of page [11]
Water- Water is a prominent part of Creation stories in cultures both modern and ancient. Tales from Mesopotamia, the Bible, India and even Norse legends feature water as a key component in the ‘beginning’ of life and our world (History World).
Coyote- Focus West notes that in North American Native literature and folklore, Coyote ‘is often referred to as a creator of “the world-as-it-is” (Focus West). Coyote is fond of thievery and trickery, singing and seduction. Coyote’s primary symbolic function is one of chaos and of being a transformer.
Dream/ eventually Dog- Dreams hold a great deal of symbolic power and significance within First Nations cultures. Dog spelled backwards is, of course, God. It is also worth noting that a dog is somewhat of a domesticated form of none other than a coyote.
Lionel- An Indigenous character, and quite an important one within the context of GGRW. Mother is Camelot, aunt is Norma.
Lone Ranger – A fictional, heroic cowboy who fought outlaws and for justice. An article from The Root notes that he may in fact have been based off the life and adventures of an African- American man named Bass Reeves. Lone Ranger history chronicler Art T. Burton wrote, ‘Had Reeves been a white lawman it is quite possible he would have been as popular as any ever written about during the late 19th century’ (The Root).
Hawkeye – A name and character that has been used in James Fenimore Cooper’s The Last of the Mohicans. Described as ‘an experienced, independent, astute man, who knows the wilderness like the back of his hand’ (Novel Guide).
Robinson Crusoe – A name and character used in eponymous novel, Robinson Crusoe. Described as an ‘intrepid hero, who draws on reserves of ingenuity and bravery to survive incredibly against the whims of nature and fate’ (Lit Charts). Also worth noting is Crusoe’s gravitation towards and subsequent dependence on Christianity as a means of coping with his plight.
Ishmael – A name and character used in Herman Melville’s Moby Dick. Also a personage in the Old Testament of the Bible.
Works Cited
“Coyote as Literary Symbol.” Focus West. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 July 2015.
Jr., Henry Louis Gates. “Was the Lone Ranger Black?” The Root. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 July 2015.
“The Last of The Mohicans: Character Profiles.” Novel Guide. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 July 2015.
“Robinson Crusoe: Characters.” LitCharts. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 July 2015.
Zavada, Jack. “Ishmael – First Son of Abraham.” About Religion. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 July 2015.
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