Should a Casino Be Built in Surrey?

Awhile back the Vancouver Sun published an article about the Surrey Council’s proposal to build a casino, hotel and convention centre trio in South Surrey. Would it be ethical to build this casino? One could argue that it would create local jobs and provide huge revenue for the city. However, a casino would encourage gambling, and that type of lifestyle can cause severe financial issues, pressure to pay debts illegally and put strains on families. My immediate reaction after reading the article was to not build the casino because I don’t believe in the negative lifestyle of gambling. I feel that putting a casino there would only encourage more crime, debt and poverty in that area as people waste their money on gambling.

However, I realized that there are many kinds of businesses existing today that in order to make profit must sell products or provide a service that is bad for the customer, like cigarettes. If a casino shouldn’t be built in Surrey due to ethical issues and the negative lifestyle it encourages, then are these other businesses acting unethically by existing?

Hager, Mike, and Kelly Sinoski. “Surrey Council Rejects Controversial Resort Casino.” The Vancouver Sun, January 25, 2013. Accessed September 11, 2013.

Image by Ian Lindsay, PNG. Found at: Vancouver Sun. “Surrey Council Rejects Controversial Resort Casino.” Accessed September 11, 2013.

17 thoughts on “Should a Casino Be Built in Surrey?

  1. Olen suuri Posidon fani. Urheilu- ja vedonlyöntisivustojen valikoima on mahtava ja rakastan sitä, että pääsen suosikkipeleihini yhdellä napsautuksella. Bonukset ja tarjoukset ovat mahtavia ja nopea maksujärjestelmä tekee varojen siirtämisestä helppoa ja kätevää. Kiitos Posido, että annoit minulle paremman vedonlyöntikokemuksen joka kerta!

  2. The city of Surrey is expanding fast, and some people think that a casino would be good for business. The local economy might stand to profit from an influx of new residents since more people means more employment. In addition, a casino may be a fun destination for both locals and visitors. So it should be built.

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