Productivity at a price…more productivity
Alongside the idea of less vertical cooperate management structure I believe that another prior industry standard should be viewed from a different angle. For a long time the idea of workers (employees) as representative individuals have been overlooked in order to serve the “overreaching” goal of a business which is to generate profit whatever means necessary. However, taking a step back, is this practice logically sustainable?
But wait, who cares about sustainability? What is it? Well typically it is associated with non-renewable resources, which is a portion of the idea, however I would like to expand this idea into a broader sense. Sustainability from the corporate executive perspective should be viewed as an opportunity to expand the perspective of the given business model to in-cooperate a multitude of otherwise overlooked aspects of the business whilst keeping the end strategy of achieving higher profits (easier said than done). Starting with a business employees. Ensuring your workers work in a relative enjoyable environment improves the productivity of your workers, ensures worker security and boosts the overall mental state of the entirety of the business. As an example, Goldcorp offers their employees with free lunches throughout the work week, a massive expense for the corporation. Thus, according to the goal of achieving maximal profits, this practice MUST follow as illogical. Yet, employees remain at their desks during the hour, of which further work gets done and boosts productivity for the remainder of the day. Allowing more work to get done at increased efficiency.