Shifting Tradition

The classical business model that was a standard across industries in the 20th century are now beginning to be challenged. This idea of a vertical cooperate ladder has left many corporations stagnated, unable to innovate or adjust to changing variables in their respective industries.
However, branding this form of corporate practices as ineffective and outright backwards is misleading, as many companies, fortune 500s included, depend on this vertical chain of command as a fundamental practice of their business. Corporations require leadership, deviation of tasks, roles and heads of departments to run a successful business.
However, for modern start-up companies I believe that these previous notions are becoming a lot looser and different parts of a given business are beginning to integrate more with one another. As more visual representation, this corporate ladder is becoming stumpier and greater equality is shared amongst employees.
In a lot of ways the benefits of this system is sometimes not recognized, and is dependent on a multitude of variables. Industry, identity and age of a company plays key roles in the hierarchical structure of it. However, narrowing the distance between the top and the bottom generates a more efficient, sustainable and dynamic business with multitudes of inputs being generated from all levels of the company: shift from A->B.

A tall, thin pyramid with lots of layers of people illustrates the staff structure of a tall organisation. A short pyramid with only two layers of people illustrates the structure of a flat organisation

Image provided by the bbc

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