
Try to envision the cost of the most expensive purchasable item in today’s society. What would it be? Maybe a Ferrari, a house or even a satellite. It may sound counter-intuitive at first but no physical product is more valuable than the intellectual thought behind them. Donald Trump once attempted to quantify the worth of America if it were to go on sale today, and found that after all of the natural resources, land and  the rest, the intellectual property and idea creation generated by the population far out valued the worth of the other measurements.  And it is this fundamental concept…matches with brilliance and creativity that pushes entrepreneurial explorations, new innovations and future developments but those who seek it. Entrepreneurship is not solely about running a business or generating profits, but developing the idea behind it and creating something that is tangible to the rest of us. Those who seek solely in the pursuit of profit fall short of grasping the entirety of their business model and often fall short of developing a sustainable and successful venture.

Mega Infrastructure | Curiosity: What’s America Worth?


The Start-up Downfall

It is remarkable that the highly recognized start-up accelerator, The Y Combinator which only has an acceptance rate of 1-3% for companies that apply. And amongst the few selected, there is a less than a 1-in-10 chance of a big success according to the Business Insider. Alongside the seemingly ever-present headache that is the current economic depression, the task of developing a successful modern start-up company seems increasingly daunting and statistically improbable.
Yet, I remain optimistic in the future as I have had the luxury of watching the growth of my sister’s small start-up company Ecologik have highlighted the issues that surround being a start-up company. A key aspect for not only her business but others as well is becoming in tune with the solution to a customer’s problem or wish instead of developing A solution to a perceived problem. Establishing a structured and targeted product or service based off of customer’s inputs instead of entirely off impulse can mitigate many aspects that otherwise are factors behind start-up failures.

Link provided by ycombinator


The Online Currency

The dotcom technological breakout has generated the ability for businesses to generate, store and ultimately use petabytes of data about all aspects of our daily lives. The general population (users of these technologies) have either consciously or unconsciously entrusted a massive proportion of their lives to these data systems. “Virtual” currency, represented in the data servers of banks worldwide as your life savings.
However, the dotcom era has also brought about issues surrounding personal privacy due to the ability of these technologies to track, observe and have direct influence our actions most of the time subconsciously; considered ethically controversial by many. Thus, the ability to remain anonymous has sparked the creation of a vertical currency Bitcoin, with the first ATM opening in Vancouver BC. Similar to PayPal, Bitcoins represent a currency value that can be used to make online purchases but offer paper representations of the currency as well. However, currency exchanges happen peer to peer, while each side remaining anonymous to each other. Bitcoins are also unique in the sense that there is always a set limit to the amount that exist at any time. However the use of bitcoins has enabled black markets to arise, thus challenging the ethicalness of the service.


Link provided by bitcoin