Try to envision the cost of the most expensive purchasable item in today’s society. What would it be? Maybe a Ferrari, a house or even a satellite. It may sound counter-intuitive at first but no physical product is more valuable than the intellectual thought behind them. Donald Trump once attempted to quantify the worth of America if it were to go on sale today, and found that after all of the natural resources, land and  the rest, the intellectual property and idea creation generated by the population far out valued the worth of the other measurements.  And it is this fundamental concept…matches with brilliance and creativity that pushes entrepreneurial explorations, new innovations and future developments but those who seek it. Entrepreneurship is not solely about running a business or generating profits, but developing the idea behind it and creating something that is tangible to the rest of us. Those who seek solely in the pursuit of profit fall short of grasping the entirety of their business model and often fall short of developing a sustainable and successful venture.

Mega Infrastructure | Curiosity: What’s America Worth?

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