The Online Currency

The dotcom technological breakout has generated the ability for businesses to generate, store and ultimately use petabytes of data about all aspects of our daily lives. The general population (users of these technologies) have either consciously or unconsciously entrusted a massive proportion of their lives to these data systems. “Virtual” currency, represented in the data servers of banks worldwide as your life savings.
However, the dotcom era has also brought about issues surrounding personal privacy due to the ability of these technologies to track, observe and have direct influence our actions most of the time subconsciously; considered ethically controversial by many. Thus, the ability to remain anonymous has sparked the creation of a vertical currency Bitcoin, with the first ATM opening in Vancouver BC. Similar to PayPal, Bitcoins represent a currency value that can be used to make online purchases but offer paper representations of the currency as well. However, currency exchanges happen peer to peer, while each side remaining anonymous to each other. Bitcoins are also unique in the sense that there is always a set limit to the amount that exist at any time. However the use of bitcoins has enabled black markets to arise, thus challenging the ethicalness of the service.


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