The Inheritances in Modern Marketing

I find it remarkable in this day and age that the majority of marketing practices deduced through market research still stand to this day. Setting goods at $99.99 instead of $100.00 is such a business practice norm now that we, as consumers, have become so used to it that may believe that it no longer really matters when it comes down to purchasing something at the local grocery store. Yet, that marketing strategy is still in practice today because of its effectiveness on the consumer’s purchasing philosophy.
Personally I find it intriguing to read/hear about a new innovative marketing strategy that a business implemented before anyone else and then the rest of the world catches up and implements the strategy into their business. Architecturally, there is much consideration that goes towards the design of a store and the layout of products in order to capture the interest of their target customers the most. Where even the geometry of a store’s structure can be attuned for a specific customer basis. Market research is an interesting field of study because of its ever changing atmosphere, parameters and must be responsive to the dynamics the market. Yet, although modern and dynamic research is critical to targeting and discovering better ways of optimizing distribution of product, there are still some fundamental core values that remain almost inert as part of human nature.

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