Sauder phone app.

On the purpose of making Sauder more active and increasing the communication between professors and sutdents, I think Sauder can design a phone app to achieve so. The phone app is like a BBS. In the BBS, not only should the managers immediately upgrate the instant events happening in Sauder, but also the business events happening in the world. The information can be maily devided into two parts: Sauder, and Outside. In the “Sauder” column, students can post and communicate freely. The information they disscussed can be anything like academic topic or just simple chat. The “Outside” column is consist of all popular brands such as Apple, Nike, Mcdonald’s and so forth. It almost include evey brands in evey business field. Of course, the main events happening in that brand are available. The click volume will be recorded whenever students enter that brands. The managers can see the most popular brand and topic of discussion that students are interested in. In the class, professor can give a lesson or discussion about  the events happening in the most watched brand. In this way, the lessons will be closer to students’ life and interesting.

(This app is upgrating…)

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