Treat Your Employees Like Customers

We have known that Zappos treats employees very well, offering free food, recreation breaks, and other unconventional perks in exchange for employee loyalty, and even tests the effectiveness of its perks by offering to pay employees to quit. The secret to Zappos’ success is doing everything to ensure their customers are happy.

The companies that treat employees like customers are not only Zappos, Southwest Airlines is only one of them.  Over the years, whenever reporters would ask the founder of Southwest, Herbert D. Kelleher,  the secret to Southwest’s success,he had a stock response. “You have to treat your employees like customers,” he told Fortune in 2001. “When you treat them right, then they will treat your outside customers right. That has been a powerful competitive weapon for us.”

Overall ,  the precondition to ensure their customers are happy is that their employees are happy, especially the customer-facing employees because those front-line employees deliver the real value to the customers.  Vineet Nayar even published the book “Employees First, Customers Second.” (Vineet Nayar is an Indian businessperson, IT executive, the CEO, Vice Chairman and fulltime member of the Board of Directors of HCL Technologies.)

Last, how can we treat employees like customers, the websites introduces 5 ways which you can reference.

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