Blog Comments #2 “Tweet Me That House”

This is a response to a post published by classmate Lisa Wong . The blog link is

I admit that the market for real estate companies becomes stagnant these years because of two factors. One is that the existence of bunches of real estate companies makes the trade of selling house saturated, which means. I regard this market as a sort of perfectly competitive market. It is said that there is no competition in the perfectly competitive market, but in my eyes the competition is much more fierce than other kind of market structure because companies want more market share and they will seek new methods to achieve this. The second factor is the conventional manner on selling houses. Costumers never stay same all the time. If the companies do not prepare for change and capture the fad quickly, they are destined to fail.
I hold the opposite attitude as Lisa’ towards the action that BHGRE is moving into Canada. Although the expansion of their creative and innovative vision is a good idea, but BHGRE is only a three-year-old company. Under the situation that BHGRE has not matured its local market and operation strategy and build a strong brand impact, I think it is too risky for it to enter Canadian real estate.

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