2013 Super Bowl Commercial: Budweiser Clydesdale- the Advertising horsepower

Not until the kickoff of the Super Bowl game, there was already a lot of discussion and hoopla around the coming Super Bowl commercials. Everyone was so eager to know who was to win this big game of advertisement?

With the wrap-up of the game, most people already have the answer. Among all the attention-catching ads, Budweiser Clydesdale 2013 is definitely the most eye-catching and bucking the trend. The ad features Budweiser’s famous Clydesdales horse. It starts off with a man tending to a foal who was only a week old when the ad was shot. Then it jumps to three years later, and we see a reunion between the man and the horse. With over 5.5 million Youtube views and the radio DJs’ talking about it on the next day, the company has successfully established its position in consumers’ retrieval set and potentially their evoked set by stirring up some heartwarming sentiment.


Comparing to those funny ads or sexually suggestive ones such as Calvin Klein Orgy Billboard, Budweiser Clydesdale 2013 differentiates itself by tapping into the softest spot of human psychology and relates to consumers’ love needs as depicted in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

slide_2112_27536_largeCalvin Klein Orgy Billboard

It is the basic human love exhibited in the ad that can give consumers a long-lasting memory. For those sexy ads, it is nothing more than a gimmick which “out-of-sight, out-of-mind” is the common route to take. In this world of new advertisements being produced every minute, what can really affiliate with the public comes down to the most basic human emotion.

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