Marketing is everywhere, anytime

After reading Burger King’s Lesson in 24/7 Marketing, I am amazed by the fact that marketing is literally everywhere and anytime! I am also surprised by how important the role of social media is in marketing.

With the advancement in technology, most companies are relying on social media such as Facebook and Twitter to market their products and values. They have a Facebook page and a Twitter account where they post updates about their products or to interact with their followers. However, technology is double-edged sword, the bad side of which is the notorious hacking. After Burger King’s twitter account was hacked, several inappropriate tweets were posted against its competitor, Macdonald’s. Such blatant act of sabotage does not, at the least damage Macdonald’s, but goes a long way in backfiring and damaging its own brand.


An analogy of this is when a person backmouths others. Most of the time, people just take it with a grain of salt, but they will become doubtful of the person who is talking about it. This person’s reputation is damaged by his own words. Lesson learned: the way we carry ourselves, the gestures we use, the words we say and our facial expressions speak a lot more than we realize. The way we behave is the way we market ourselves. Therefore, marketing is everywhere and anytime for us as well. If we do not keep an eye on our behavior and our words, they will catch up with us eventually. So to play safe, WATCH WHAT YOU SAY everywhere and anytime!

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