Social media sites are constantly being compared to one another; whether or not one is better for uploading pictures and the other better for letting your friends know what you’re up to. In that sense, it’s no surprise that Twitter’s IPO is being compared to Facebook. Many articles and opinions, including the one linked below believe that Twitter’s IPO will be nothing like Facebook’s.
Numerous people are assuming that Twitter’s initial public offering will be much more successful compared to Facebook’s up and down shares that were destroyed before finally making an amazing comeback. For starters, Mark Zuckerberg (the creator of Facebook) waited too long before taking his company public and didn’t trust the demands that stock market investors and regulators make on publicly traded companies. Twitter on the other hand, is not only going public a lot sooner but also at an earlier revenue stage. This is smart, because there is room for growth, as Twitter is only believed to be worth between 10 to 20 billion dollars compared to Facebook, which has a valuation of 100 billion dollars. It will be interesting to watch how Twitter’s IPO fares out in the next month or so and compare it to Facebook’s roller coaster IPO.