ETEC 540

The Audiobook – A Tool for Bridging the Gap

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As a young child at night, I could often be found up past my bedtime with a little white flashlight under the covers, reading ‘The Babysitters’ Club,’ ‘Sweet Valley High,’ or ‘The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe.’ I took to reading naturally at a young age. I found comfort and escape in it, and still do to this day. I was read to by my mother as a toddler and pre-schooler, and have memories of learning to read with ‘Dick and Jane’ texts in school in the early to…read more


Linking Assignment

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Task 1: What’s in My Bag I thought this was a fun way to start the course – sort of like an icebreaker game that might give us a bit of insight into our classmates, and getting us thinking about the meaning of ‘text’ and ‘technology.’ I had a look at most of my classmates pictures and stories, but Anne’s post left quite an impression on me. It wasn’t as if Anne had unusual things in her bag – it was her sharing a narrative around one of the small…read more


Task 12 – Speculative Futures

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Speculative Future Scenario 1: Public education functioning within the flipped classroom model Inspired by the Leading Lines podcast episode entitled The Future of Digital Literacies (2019), I created a short lesson plan for a science lesson based on the speculation that education will veer towards the flipped classroom model. Topic: Science – Biology Part 1 – (At home) Students load the background knowledge tutorial on their home device and watch/listen. This eliminates lecture time by the teacher in the classroom, and allows in-person time to focus on collaborative exercises, exploration,…read more


Task 9 – Network Assignment Using Golden Record Curation Quiz Data

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  One of my favourite shows is called ‘The IT Crowd’ – the premise is that two IT ‘nerds’ work in the basement of a big corporation and their manager has lied her way into the job, not really knowing anything about computers. At one point, one of the guys (Moss) convinces boss Jen that he has come into possession of ‘the internet’ for her to show off at her head of department meeting to impress everyone. While it is somewhat laughable to imagine someone thinking ‘the internet’ is as…read more


Task 8 – Golden Record Curation Assignment

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The Golden Records were LPs sent into space on the Voyager aircraft in 1977 (incidentally the year that I was born). The LP would have been the medium of choice in that era for music. It made me wonder a) if any other life forms that found them would have the technology medium available to play them b) will that technology medium still exist (i.e. a record player) if they are found hundreds of years from now? If we were to launch a 2021 version of the Golden record into…read more


Task 7 – Mode Bending

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I tried to keep the New London Group’s key concepts of hybridity and intertextuality in mind while redesigning my ‘What’s in my Bag’ task. As they described, ‘hybridity highlights the mechanisms of creativity and of culture as-process particularly salient in contemporary society’ (p. 82). Intertextuality ‘draws attention to the potentially complex ways in which meaning (such as linguistic meanings) and constituted through relationships to other texts (real or imaginary), text types (discourse or genres), narratives, and other modes of meaning (such as visual design, architectonic or geographical positioning)’ (p. 82)….read more


Task 6 – An emoji story

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I chose to use my iPhone text app to type out my emoji story. I then sent it to my daughter (almost 13) to test it out. I took a screenshot and added it above. I relied on symbols to convey the basic message of title, characters and a basic plot summary. I started with the title purposely as I felt it gave a good clue as to which movie I had chosen. As I thought of these story elements and searched for appropriate emojis to use, most of the…read more

Task 5 – Twine Task

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Well this turned out to be a challenge! I had never used Twine before and wanted to try it out. I learned by trial and error and came to discover I had technical difficulties adding photos or music to my story. I carried on without and tried to make use of the other features available such as special text styles, colour, and movement options to keep the story interesting. In a couple of places I added (INSERT IMAGE OF X, Y, ETC HERE) so the reader could get the idea…read more


Task 4: Manual Scripts

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  Do you normally write by hand or type? Did you find this task difficult or easy? Explain. I do a mix of both depending on the task. I very much enjoy writing by hand and there are certain tasks I do that can be easily typed that I prefer to handwrite instead. Writing a shopping list comes to mind. Many of my friends type a list into or use an app on their phone but I always like to scribble my shopping list on a scrap of paper and…read more


Task 3: Voice to Text Task

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I used the ‘dictate’ option in Microsoft Word to record my five minute story. I relayed my experience of moving provinces and schools at 13 years old without much previous thought about what I would specifically talk about. I set a five minute timer on my phone and spoke until it went off. The transcript is posted below first, with my analysis beneath it. Story: when I was 13 years old my family decided to move from the East Coast of Canada to the West coast of Canada my dad…read more


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